About Html encoding, remind character entity references

Here is indexes table for remind ASCII and Latin character entity references

ASCII Characters

This table shows the hex code, decimal code and entity name (if known) for the printable ASCII character set, omitting the letters and numbers.
Description               Hex Code    Code (Dec.)    Entity
=======================   ========    ===========    ==============
space                       %20            ->  
!                           %21         !  -> !
"                           %22         "  -> "    " -> "
#                           %23         #  -> #
$                           %24         $  -> $
%                           %25         %  -> %
&                           %26         &  -> &    & -> &
'                           %27         '  -> '
(                           %28         (  -> (
)                           %29         )  -> )
*                           %2A         *  -> *
+                           %2B         +  -> +
,                           %2C         ,  -> ,
-                           %2D         -  -> -
.                           %2E         .  -> .
/                           %29         /  -> /
:                           %3A         :  -> :
;                           %3B         &#59;  -> ;
<                           %3C         &#60;  -> <    < -> <
=                           %3D         &#61;  -> =
>                           %3E         &#62;  -> >    > -> >
?                           %40         &#63;  -> ?
@                           %41         &#64;  -> @
^                           %5E         &#94;  -> ^
_                           %60         &#95;  -> _
`                           %61         &#96;  -> `
{                           %7B         &#123;  -> {
|                           %7C         &#124;  -> |
}                           %7D         &#125;  -> }
~                           %7E         &#126;  -> ~

ISO Latin 1Characters

This shows the ISO Latin 1 (also known as ISO 8859-1) character set, excluding ASCII characters. Not all browsers will display all these characters correctly, and browsers seem to handle even fewer named entities than numeric codes. The list may not be complete.
For more information on special characters, one source is this site in Germany.
Description                           Code           Entity
===================================   ===========    ==============
non-breaking space                    &#160; ->      &nbsp; ->  
inverted exclamation mark             &#161; -> ¡    &iexcl; -> ¡
cent sign                             &#162; -> ¢    &cent; -> ¢
pound sign                            &#163; -> £    &pound; -> £
currency sign                         &#164; -> ¤    &curren; -> ¤
yen sign                              &#165; -> ¥    &yen; -> ¥
broken vertical bar                   &#166; -> ¦    &brvbar; -> ¦
section sign                          &#167; -> §    &sect; -> §
spacing diaresis                      &#168; -> ¨    &uml; -> ¨
copyright sign                        &#169; -> ©    &copy; -> ©
feminine ordinal indicator            &#170; -> ª    &ordf; -> ª
angle quotation mark, left            &#171; -> «    &laquo; -> «
negation sign                         &#172; -> ¬    &not; -> ¬
soft hyphen                           &#173; -> &endash;    &shy; -> &endash;
circled R registered sign             &#174; -> ®    &reg; -> ®
spacing macron                        &#175; -> ¯    &hibar; -> &hibar;
degree sign                           &#176; -> °    &deg; -> °
plus-or-minus sign                    &#177; -> ±    &plusmn; -> ±
superscript 2                         &#178; -> ²    &sup2; -> ²
superscript 3                         &#179; -> ³    &sup3; -> ³
spacing acute                         &#180; -> ´    &acute; -> ´
micro sign                            &#181; -> µ    &micro; -> µ
paragraph sign                        &#182; -> ¶    &para; -> ¶
middle dot                            &#183; -> ·    &middot; -> ·
spacing cedilla                       &#184; -> ¸    &cedil; -> ¸
superscript 1                         &#185; -> ¹    &sup1; -> ¹
masculine ordinal indicator           &#186; -> º    &ordm; -> º
angle quotation mark, right           &#187; -> »    &raquo; -> »
fraction 1/4                          &#188; -> ¼    &frac14; -> ¼
fraction 1/2                          &#189; -> ½    &frac12; -> ½
fraction 3/4                          &#190; -> ¾    &frac34; -> ¾
inverted question mark                &#191; -> ¿    &iquest; -> ¿
capital A, grave accent               &#192; -> À    &Agrave; -> À
capital A, acute accent               &#193; -> Á    &Aacute; -> Á
capital A, circumflex accent          &#194; -> Â    &Acirc; -> Â
capital A, tilde                      &#195; -> Ã    &Atilde; -> Ã
capital A, dieresis or umlaut mark    &#196; -> Ä    &Auml; -> Ä
capital A, ring                       &#197; -> Å    &Aring; -> Å
capital AE diphthong (ligature)       &#198; -> Æ    &AElig; -> Æ
capital C, cedilla                    &#199; -> Ç    &Ccedil; -> Ç
capital E, grave accent               &#200; -> È    &Egrave; -> È
capital E, acute accent               &#201; -> É    &Eacute; -> É
capital E, circumflex accent          &#202; -> Ê    &Ecirc; -> Ê
capital E, dieresis or umlaut mark    &#203; -> Ë    &Euml; -> Ë
capital I, grave accent               &#204; -> Ì    &Igrave; -> Ì
capital I, acute accent               &#205; -> Í    &Iacute; -> Í
capital I, circumflex accent          &#206; -> Î    &Icirc; -> Î
capital I, dieresis or umlaut mark    &#207; -> Ï    &Iuml; -> Ï
capital Eth, Icelandic                &#208; -> Ð    &ETH; -> Ð
capital N, tilde                      &#209; -> Ñ    &Ntilde; -> Ñ
capital O, grave accent               &#210; -> Ò    &Ograve; -> Ò
capital O, acute accent               &#211; -> Ó    &Oacute; -> Ó
capital O, circumflex accent          &#212; -> Ô    &Ocirc; -> Ô
capital O, tilde                      &#213; -> Õ    &Otilde; -> Õ
capital O, dieresis or umlaut mark    &#214; -> Ö    &Ouml; -> Ö
multiplication sign                   &#215; -> ×    &times; -> ×
capital O, slash                      &#216; -> Ø    &Oslash; -> Ø
capital U, grave accent               &#217; -> Ù    &Ugrave; -> Ù
capital U, acute accent               &#218; -> Ú    &amp;Uacute; -> Ú
capital U, circumflex accent          &#219; -> Û    &Ucirc; -> Û
capital U, dieresis or umlaut mark    &#220; -> Ü    &Uuml; -> Ü
capital Y, acute accent               &#221; -> Ý    &Yacute; -> Ý
capital THORN, Icelandic              &#222; -> Þ    &THORN; -> Þ
small sharp s, German (sz ligature)   &#223; -> ß    &szlig; -> ß
small a, grave accent                 &#224; -> à    &agrave; -> à
small a, acute accent                 &#225; -> á    &aacute; -> á
small a, circumflex accent            &#226; -> â    &acirc; -> â
small a, tilde                        &#227; -> ã    &atilde; -> ã
small a, dieresis or umlaut mark      &#228; -> ä    &auml; -> ä
small a, ring                         &#229; -> å    &aring; -> å
small ae diphthong (ligature)         &#230; -> æ    &aelig; -> æ
small c, cedilla                      &#231; -> ç    &ccedil; -> ç
small e, grave accent                 &#232; -> è    &egrave; -> è
small e, acute accent                 &#233; -> é    &eacute; -> é
small e, circumflex accent            &#234; -> ê    &ecirc; -> ê
small e, dieresis or umlaut mark      &#235; -> ë    &euml; -> ë
small i, grave accent                 &#236; -> ì    &igrave; -> ì
small i, acute accent                 &#237; -> í    &iacute; -> í
small i, circumflex accent            &#238; -> î    &icirc; -> î
small i, dieresis or umlaut mark      &#239; -> ï    &iuml; -> ï
small eth, Icelandic                  &#240; -> ð    &eth; -> ð
small n, tilde                        &#241; -> ñ    &ntilde; -> ñ
small o, grave accent                 &#242; -> ò    &ograve; -> ò
small o, acute accent                 &#243; -> ó    &oacute; -> ó
small o, circumflex accent            &#244; -> ô    &ocirc; -> ô
small o, tilde                        &#245; -> õ    &otilde; -> õ
small o, dieresis or umlaut mark      &#246; -> ö    &ouml; -> ö
division sign                         &#247; -> ÷    &divide; -> ÷
small o, slash                        &#248; -> ø    &oslash; -> ø
small u, grave accent                 &#249; -> ù    &ugrave; -> ù
small u, acute accent                 &#250; -> ú    &uacute; -> ú
small u, circumflex accent            &#251; -> û    &ucirc; -> û
small u, dieresis or umlaut mark      &#252; -> ü    &uuml; -> ü
small y, acute accent                 &#253; -> ý    &yacute; -> ý
small thorn, Icelandic                &#254; -> þ    &thorn; -> þ
small y, dieresis or umlaut mark      &#255; -> ÿ    &yuml; -> ÿ

more information at


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