Regular Expression references

Regular expressions provide a concise and flexible means for identifying strings of text of interest, such as particular characters, words, or patterns of characters. Regular expressions (abbreviated as regex or regexp, with plural forms regexes, regexps, or regexen) are written in a formal language that can be interpreted by a regular expression processor, a program that either serves as a parser generator or examines text and identifies parts that match the provided specification.

This article indexed some useful internet resources about Regular Expressions (syntax, explanation and examples).

How to match a pattern by using regular expressions and Visual C#

Regular Expression Syntax

Introduction to Regular Expressions (JScript .NET)

Introduction to Regular Expressions (Visual Basic Scripting Edition)

Regular Expressions Language Elements (Microsoft .NET Framework General Reference)

Regular Expression (RegExp) Object (Microsoft .NET Framework Class Library)

C# Regular Expressions by Brad Merrill

Regular expressions have been used in various programming languages and tools for many years. The .NET Base Class Libraries include a namespace and a set of classes for utilizing the power of regular expressions. They are designed to be compatible with Perl 5 regular expressions whenever possible.

In addition, the regexp classes implement some additional functionality, such as named capture groups, right- to-left pattern matching, and expression compilation.

In this article, I'll provide a quick overview of the classes and methods of the System.Text.RegularExpression assembly, some examples of matching and replacing strings, a more detailed walk-through of a grouping structure, and finally, a set of cookbook expressions for use in your own applications. Read more

C# Regular Expressions, Revisited by Brad Merrill, coauthor of C# Essentials, 2nd Edition.

The following is a brief list of the major changes to the RegEx class library since Beta1:

* The RegularExpression Assembly is now merged with the main Frameworks class library. This means you will no longer need to reference the assembly seperately. You will still need to specify the namespace via the using statement, in order to use the classes by name.

* When matching groups, the Group method was used to retrieve appropriately indexed group. Now we can retrieve the Groups property, which is a GroupCollection, which can be indexed directly.

* In Beta1, the RegEx modifiers were specified as character code. Now, there is an Enum called RegexOptions which provides access to the modifier functionality. Read more

Beginning Regular Expressions in C#, Java, and Perl by Larry Mak

A regular expression is a pattern of text in regular language. It describes what to match in a regular string. It serves as a filter to find what you're looking for.

Regular expressions are somewhat standardized - they're consistent with the different languages, despite the different syntax to call them.

The two main function of using regular expression is to match and to replace. The former determines if the pattern is in the string, and if so, find it. Replace changes the string according to the pattern to another pattern. Read more

Regular Expressions and C#, .NET ( Syntax and explanation )

An articles contains syntax table and explanation quite cool. Just have a visit.

Learn Regular Expression (Regex) syntax with C# and .NET

C# Regular Expression (Regex) Examples in .NET

C# Demo Application Illustrating the Use of Regular Expressions with The .NET Framework

Regular Expressions Usage in C# Prasad

The source code shows how to use Regular Expressions in C#. The code Functions written for Validation Alphabet, AlphaNumeric, Integer, Postive Integer, Floating point numbers. You just cut copy these functions and use in any program.

Take a preview of C# Essentials, 2nd Edition at

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